Feature & Follow Friday #7

                                  Alison Can Read Feature & Follow

Q: Activity: Spine Poetry. Create a line of poetry with your book spines (take a picture). Not feeling creative? Tell us about your favorite poem.

This is super creative activity, but not for me. Poetry and me, we are like water and oil, we don't mix very well. However, I've attempted a little book spines poem. Hope you enjoy it.

If I stay Fearless,
Everneath Wuthering Heights,
Where she Went?
City of Lost Souls.

I keep hearing everywhere, that GFC is going to be cancelled. So, I'd like for you to follow me through Bloglovin. Thank you so much, and please, leave your FF in the comments, so I can read them. Have a magical weekend everyone!
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  1. OOoh very nice!! Mine was just a random TBR stack!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Clever poem :-)
    New follower via blog lovin.

  3. I love it! You did very well Maria :) I have hopped around so many blogs today, I think bloggers are so amazing :)

    Here's my FF post for this week.

    Have a fantastic Friday!

  4. Nice poem! Thanks for stopping by at my FF!

  5. Great poem! Have a nice weekend :) New GFC Follower!
    -Scott Reads It!

  6. Love this, especially the first line! New Bloglovin follower :)

    My FF @ The Shadower's Shelf

  7. Very fun - great job! New follower via bloglovin'. My FF

  8. That was a nice try. :)
    I'm bad at this too.

    I am a new follower via bloglovin.

    Here is my FF http://between-my-lines.blogspot.gr/2013/06/feature-and-follow-15-poetry.html

  9. Great one! Kind of tells a little story! :D Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm a follower via GFC and bloglovin'. :D Happy Friday!

  10. Thanks for dropping by my FF post.

    Nice. I recognise the books you using (Wuthering Heights is one of my favourite books of all time, no kidding) (and I'm a huge fan of Cassandra Clare's The Mortal Instruments series) and I loved how you used the titles to create this poem. It was short, but haunting and mysterious. Sigh. My poem was more than a bit strange, I'm afraid.

    Anyway, I love your blog. New follower via Bloglovin!

    Jeanne @ Everyone Deserves Books

  11. That is awesome! I love the last two lines! And geez, I never realized how big Fearless is! o.O

    Following you via Google Plus!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  12. Best one I've seen so far. New follower via GFC.

  13. Cool :)thanks for sharing!

    new google+ follower


  14. You and poetry like water and oil? I don't think that's quite right! It looks good to me! Following back via Bloglovin!

  15. Lovely poem!
    Following back, and have a great weekend!

  16. This is good, Maria! Super creative! This was such a fun little challenge! Following back, dear.

    ~Auggie @ Auggie-Talk

  17. Great job!Thanks for stopping by my post earlier.

    Followed back via GFC!

  18. Ooh, I like it! Especially the first two lines, really atmospheric. :) New bloglovin' follower!

    My FF

  19. Nice poem. Love the first line. Thanks for stopping by my FF. Old follower.

  20. I really like your poem! Thanks for following me, I followed back via GFC and bloglovin:)
    K @ My Favorite Escape

  21. I love the poem, especially the first two lines! I'm now following via BlogLovin'.

    Thanks for stopping by my FF!

  22. Great job with your poem! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am a new follower via bloglovin :)
    Brittany @ Spare Time book blog

  23. You lied, you and poetry mix fine together! Loved your poem! Following via Bloglovin'. My FF can by found at my blog Music Plus Books.
    Wishing you a lovely weekend,
    Laura @ Music Plus Books

  24. Nice Poem. You did good!

    Thanks for stopping by my FF :)

    Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  25. Very nice job Maria! Love how creative everyone got this week!

    Thanks for stopping by my FF!

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  26. I really like your poem! Half fantasy books, a sci-fi and some contemporary mix well apparently! :) Thanks for the follow, I'm following you back via Bloglovin'.

  27. Nice poem! Thanks for dropping by my FF.

    Followed back via GFC.
    Nina @ The Bookish Confections

  28. I love the imagery of your poem! Awesome job! :D
    New follower by GFC, G+, and Bloglovin. :)
    My FF @ Donnie Darko Girl

  29. Nice poem =) Combining the titles together, wow it's a great idea and it mixed really well. Anyway thanks for stopping by and I follow back.

    Amie @Magic of Words

  30. Lovely poem. Thank you so much for stopping by our blog! New follower via Bloglovin! :)

    Feature and Follow Friday

  31. Thanks for stopping by mine!
    New Follower via feedly
    Becky @ Book Bite Reviews

  32. I love your book binding poem. I'm a new follower! Please Check out my FF
    Elizabeth @ Stuffed Shelves

  33. Excellent poem! Yours actually makes sense - I had to cheat & add a few extra words hehe!

    Thanks for stopping by & following - following via Bloglovin :)

    Amy @ The Reading Realm

  34. Loved it!! Awesome poem!!

    Thanx for visiting my FF!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
    New GFC and Bloglovin Follower :)

  35. I like this one! New Bloglovin follower.

  36. Hi I'm new to blogging and following thru from Parajunkie's follow friday.

    I did do all this on Friday, but stupid me accidentally went and deleted the wrong blog, I lost everything...so here I am starting all over again from scratch... :(

    You can follow me back at "SnowRavyn's Reviews"

  37. Great poem Following you.
    My Ff
